Arts and Crafts

Our most simple pleasure is having pens, crayons, pencils, paints, any kinds of arts materials and paper out on a table ready to draw and paint. Sitting together in silence, drawing and painting without any guidance or ‘right way’ is such a peaceful space. Once you’re there its hard to leave! Wooden frames can be found in op shops and garage sales to hang you and your children’s artworks when they’re done. Sometimes we have themes. Sometimes we create a still life with fruits and odd decorations. Manga became a bit of an obsession. Loo rolls transformed into a family of owls, with pipe cleaner legs and paper wings, for the festive season. 

Benefits of art-making are many and include enhanced creativity, fine motor skill development, hand-to-eye co-ordination and less stress (cortisol) in the body.

Collecting a craft stash and housing it in boxes means there’s always supplies for those days when spontaneous ideas can be made into reality. That just plain feels good.

Little Storytellers homemade candles.jpg
Drawing meditation

Drawing meditation

Little Storytellers child drawing art 1.jpg